Forever cool: Sade
Sade is, without a doubt, the personification of ultimate cool and sophisticated elegance. This is, in my opinion, an innate quality that she exudes no matter the situation, the setting or attire. From the first time that Sade appeared on screen in the early 1980’s, a new benchmark for perfection was established. Her voice and performances are timeless and her music is a gift to humanity to embalm even the hardest of hearts with love and tenderness. I was only in my early teens then, when the Italian television channels would broadcast her first performances, sometimes live. We would all be staring in utter contemplation, eyes wide open as she approached the microphone on stage. This would be an event to be witnessed without beating an eyelid or even taking in a single breath of air so not to miss any minuscule movement, gesture or look. Sade will always be one of my subconscious inspirations and aspirations. For this reason I elect Sade as Cadoris muse for this month of September and I will play her beautiful music in the background as I design the new collection for next Spring.
Disclaimer: Sade is not a customer but an inspiration for Cadoris.